Thursday, April 10, 2008

Done and Undone and Starting Again

I don't think my mind has completely wrapped itself around my finished-ness of a full year of school yet. All of a sudden, I have all of this free time, well, not so much free as catch-up time. I look around me and see shambles. Unfortunately I am not in complete decay, but some things have fallen by the wayside during my journey of educated betterment: my body, my room, my connectedness to self, among other scattered states of being. Not all was loss- there was gain as well. I have a deep sense of accomplishment in my abilities to progress in an area I hope will make me a living. I have become slightly better at managing my time (that's a tricksey one as I don't feel I'll ever be completely soluble to time constraints). I am steps closer to living my dream and that is comforting. Not sure what disjointed musings you, dear Reader, will find here as I begin again, but please take them for what they are- small parts of an (as yet) unknown whole.

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