Saturday, August 20, 2005

Inside Out

I have been wondering why things haven't been changing for me lately, and just realized that it is because I have done nothing to change them! Sounds simple enough, but was difficult to see that I was the one holding my holding pattern. Little changes here and there add up and can bring me closer to where I want to be. I've decided I need to work on me, from the inside as well as the outside. There are things I can do. Such as painting. It is an outward expression and activity, but it has so much to do with what goes on inside. I have had the canvases and brushes sitting in my room for months. They have been as blank as I have been feeling. But I am trying to remedy all of that by being active and involved in my life again! Like today, I went to a little Italian festival downtown and caught a movie with a friend. Little things, but they make life more exciting and stimulating- a stimulus that ushers improvement.