Thursday, March 31, 2005

Living Imagination

I just watched Finding Neverland last night and loved it! It was like watching a play, intimate and involving. It was one of the warmest movies I've seen in a long time, and yet, like nothing else I've ever seen. It was very inspiring. It made me hope and see that there are people out there like me- that imagine their lives to be something very different than they really are. Like living another life inside of your own. Not like schizo or anything, but like being an actor and playing different parts at different times to break up the monotony.

Monday, March 28, 2005


Please visit my additional blog at where I indulge my passion for list-making and organization.

Try too hard

I've decided I try too hard at perfection and in so doing I miss opportunities for living. I try to plan my life and end up missing out on it instead. I want to learn to allow myself some lead way for experiencing rather than cutting myself short because something may not work on paper. I want to be free of my own prison. I want to fly and breathe and feel the earth in my hands (but only if there's a sink nearby to wash it off afterwards- you see what I mean about the perfection!). My brother thinks I need to drink every now and again to loosen up, but I feel that I just need more creative outlets and fun-loving people around me. I think it would be marvelous to throw pottery and start painting and join a gym (the body must be kept in a position to allow the mind to grow). So here's to an entrance, a new path...

Friday, March 25, 2005

In the beginning...

In the beginning, Jeremy saw that it was good...and thus began the creation of creation...